Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic pumps come in 5 different models as followings:
- ZB4-500 pump: Can generate up to 500 MPa pressure and is good to use in Jack series CW, YZ85, YC60 and GYJC.
- ZB4-500S pump: In addition to the spec of ZB4-500 pump, it can generate pressure in 3 lines.
- ZB10 pump: Is produced in two pressure capacities of 32 and 80 MPa and is good to be used with high tonnage jacks and long stroke ones.
- ZB4-500ZA pump: Is an improved version of ZB4-500 pump.
- ZB4-500SZ pump: Is an improved version of ZB4-500S pump.
The specifications of the pumps can be seen in the attached picture.
Some of the applications of this instrument are:
- Measurement of deformation around tunnels.
- Monitoring rock displacement in metro stations.
- Stability assessment in shafts and mine tunnels.
- Measuring mine roof movement.
Operation and Installation
Several pins are installed around periphery of tunnel by drilling and grouting. The convergence meter is attached from its both ends to the pins and a spring loaded handle pulls the tape to remove the slack. Once the force on tape reaches a preset value, the system locks. Meters and centimeters are read from the tape and millimeters and 1/100 mm is read from the gauge. The same thing repeats in coming days or weeks and rock displacement versus time is plotted. The amount of displacement as well the rate of displacement is used as a guide to judge about the stability of tunnel
Technical Spec
Order information
- CMC-X-01-AA
- X: Dial Gauge (B) or Digital Gauge (C
- AA: Tape length (15 or 30m